Monthly Archives: January 2021

Open Pleas in Federal Court
When someone is accused of a crime, they may wind up sitting in jail for a while, pending trial. The more serious the offense, the more likely bail will be high enough that the person cannot reasonably afford to post bond and secure their release. This creates tons of anxiety and dread for most… Read More »

Three Classic Examples of Miranda Rights Violations
Perhaps one of the most commonly misunderstood areas of criminal law, Miranda Rights are typically read or recited to a suspect upon arrest, or shortly thereafter, advising the individual of their Constitutional rights, as they apply to arrest. While the police get it right most of the time, it is not at all uncommon… Read More »

Limitations on Drug Dog Evidence in Court
Maybe you’ve seen it on TV or heard stories about people being arrested on drug charges, all because a drug dog alerted their person or vehicle. Maybe it was in an airport. Maybe a routine traffic stop. But what exactly can police use a drug dog for, and how accurate are drug dogs at… Read More »

What to Expect the First Time You Are Arrested
For those who have never been arrested or charged with a crime before, the first time can be terrifying. It is an enormous emotional and psychological trauma to be physically detained and held in custody of the government. Research from the University of California at Irvine suggests that an arrest can carry more than… Read More »

What to Tell a Loved One Who Has Been Arrested by Federal Agents
Most of the time, experienced federal defense lawyers are first contacted by loved ones of a defendant, not the defendant themselves. There are a number of reasons for this. For one, it can be very difficult to make informed decisions when being held in federal custody. A defendant will likely have only limited access… Read More »

Cannabis in Federal Court Today
By now, most people are well aware that cannabis has been legalized for medical use in many parts of the country, and indeed for personal recreational use in a number of states. Currently, Florida law still prohibits the use or possession of cannabis. However, things are changing quickly nationwide, as negative sentiments ease and… Read More »